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Bester DBA für 2024

Die Auswahl der besten Universitäten für das Studium des Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) kann von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängen, wie etwa der Fachkompetenz der Fakultät, Forschungsmöglichkeiten, Programmstruktur und persönlichen Präferenzen.

Hier ist eine Liste von 30 Universitäten weltweit, die für ihr renommiertes Angebot an DBA-Programmen und starken Business Schools bekannt sind:​

  1. Harvard Universität

  2. Universität in Stanford

  3. Universität von Pennsylvania (Wharton)

  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  5. Universität von Chicago (Stand)

  6. Northwestern Universität (Kellogg)

  7. Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley (Haas)

  8. Universität von Columbia

  9. Universität von Cambridge

  10. Universität Oxford (Saïd Business School)

  11. London Business School

  12. INSEAD

  13. Universität von Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ross)

  14. New York University (Stern)

  15. Universität von California, Los Angeles (Anderson)

  16. Universität Toronto (Rotman)

  17. Universität von Texas in Austin (McCombs)

  18. Duke Universität (Fuqua)

  19. Universität von North Carolina in Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)

  20. Universität von Virginia (Darden)

  21. Carnegie Mellon Universität (Tepper)

  22. Cornell Universität

  23. Universität von Melbourne

  24. Nationale Universität von Singapur (NUS)

  25. Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie Hongkong (HKUST)

  26. Universität von Sydney

  27. Universität Hong Kong (HKU)

  28. Universität Manchester

  29. Universität Warwick

  30. Universität von Amsterdam


  1. Harvard University:

    • Harvard Business School is renowned for its rigorous doctoral program in Business Administration, emphasizing groundbreaking research and innovation in management theory and practice.

  2. Stanford University:

    • Stanford Graduate School of Business offers a vibrant doctoral program known for its interdisciplinary approach, fostering collaboration between scholars and practitioners to address complex business challenges.

  3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton):

    • The Wharton School stands out for its pioneering research in business and economics, providing doctoral students with unparalleled opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research alongside world-class faculty.

  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

    • MIT Sloan School of Management offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes analytical rigor and innovation, preparing scholars to tackle pressing business and societal challenges through rigorous research.

  5. University of Chicago (Booth):

    • Booth School of Business is renowned for its empirical approach to business research, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and rigorous inquiry that pushes the boundaries of business knowledge.

  6. Northwestern University (Kellogg):

    • Kellogg School of Management offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary doctoral program that emphasizes innovative thinking and real-world impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia and industry.

  7. University of California, Berkeley (Haas):

    • Haas School of Business offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and social responsibility, equipping scholars with the tools to address pressing global challenges through rigorous research.

  8. Columbia University:

    • Columbia Business School offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and global perspectives, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  9. University of Cambridge:

    • Cambridge Judge Business School is known for its rigorous doctoral program that combines academic excellence with practical relevance, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in a dynamic global context.

  10. University of Oxford (Saïd Business School):

    • Saïd Business School offers a world-class doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and global impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  11. London Business School:

    • London Business School offers a vibrant doctoral program that emphasizes cutting-edge research and global perspectives, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  12. INSEAD:

    • INSEAD's doctoral program is known for its international outlook and rigorous research training, offering scholars a diverse and collaborative environment to tackle complex business challenges.

  13. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ross):

    • Ross School of Business offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and impact, equipping scholars with the skills to drive positive change in business and society.

  14. New York University (Stern):

    • NYU Stern School of Business offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world relevance, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  15. University of California, Los Angeles (Anderson):

    • UCLA Anderson School of Management offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and social impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia and industry.

  16. University of Toronto (Rotman):

    • Rotman School of Management offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and global perspectives, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  17. University of Texas at Austin (McCombs):

    • McCombs School of Business offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes analytical rigor and innovation, preparing scholars to tackle pressing business challenges through rigorous research.

  18. Duke University (Fuqua):

    • Duke Fuqua School of Business offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  19. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler):

    • Kenan-Flagler Business School offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world relevance, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia and industry.

  20. University of Virginia (Darden):

    • Darden School of Business offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes analytical rigor and innovation, preparing scholars to tackle pressing business challenges through rigorous research.

  21. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper):

    • Tepper School of Business offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  22. Cornell University:

    • Cornell SC Johnson College of Business offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  23. University of Melbourne:

    • Melbourne Business School offers a vibrant doctoral program that emphasizes cutting-edge research and global perspectives, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  24. National University of Singapore (NUS):

    • NUS Business School offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world relevance, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia and industry.

  25. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST):

    • HKUST Business School offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes analytical rigor and innovation, preparing scholars to tackle pressing business challenges through rigorous research.

  26. University of Sydney:

    • University of Sydney Business School offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary doctoral program that emphasizes innovation and impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  27. University of Hong Kong (HKU):

    • HKU Business School offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world relevance, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia and industry.

  28. University of Manchester:

    • Alliance Manchester Business School offers a rigorous doctoral program that emphasizes analytical rigor and innovation, preparing scholars to tackle pressing business challenges through rigorous research.

  29. University of Warwick:

    • Warwick Business School offers a dynamic doctoral program that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and real-world impact, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

  30. University of Amsterdam:

    • Amsterdam Business School offers a vibrant doctoral program that emphasizes cutting-edge research and global perspectives, preparing scholars to become leaders in academia, industry, and policymaking.

Diese Liste umfasst Universitäten aus verschiedenen Ländern, die renommierte DBA-Programme anbieten. Es ist jedoch wichtig, den spezifischen Lehrplan, die Fachkompetenz der Dozenten, die Forschungsmöglichkeiten und das Alumni-Netzwerk jedes Programms zu recherchieren, um herauszufinden, welches Programm am besten zu Ihren akademischen und beruflichen Zielen passt. Berücksichtigen Sie bei Ihrer Entscheidung außerdem Faktoren wie Standort, Programmdauer und Akkreditierung.

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