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Largest Universities Globally

दुनिया के सबसे बड़े विश्वविद्यालयों पर विचार करते समय, "सबसे बड़ा" शब्द की व्याख्या विभिन्न तरीकों से की जा सकती है, जिसमें छात्र नामांकन, परिसर का आकार या पेश किए जाने वाले शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रमों की संख्या शामिल है। छात्र नामांकन के आधार पर दुनिया भर के कुछ सबसे बड़े विश्वविद्यालयों की सूची यहां दी गई है:

Discovering the Largest Universities Globally Worldwide:

  1. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) - India: IGNOU is one of the largest universities in the world by enrollment, offering distance education programs to millions of students across India and abroad.

  2. Anadolu University - Turkey: Anadolu University is one of the largest universities in Turkey and the world, serving a vast student population through its open education system.

  3. University of Mumbai - India: The University of Mumbai is one of the largest universities in India, with a significant student enrollment across its numerous affiliated colleges and campuses.

  4. Islamic Azad University (IAU) - Iran: Islamic Azad University is one of the largest university systems globally, with numerous campuses and a large student population across Iran and abroad.

  5. Tribhuvan University - Nepal: Tribhuvan University is the oldest and largest university in Nepal, with a diverse range of academic programs and a large student body.

  6. California State University (CSU) - United States: The California State University system is one of the largest public university systems in the United States, with multiple campuses and a large student enrollment.

  7. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) - Mexico: UNAM is one of the largest universities in Latin America, with a sprawling campus and a significant student population.

  8. Amity University - India: Amity University is one of India's largest private universities, known for its extensive campuses and diverse academic offerings.

  9. University of Pune - India: The University of Pune is one of the largest universities in India, with a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs.

  10. University of Calicut - India: The University of Calicut is one of the largest universities in Kerala, India, with a substantial student enrollment and a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.

ये विश्वविद्यालय बड़ी संख्या में छात्रों और व्यापक शैक्षणिक पेशकशों के साथ विविध प्रकार के संस्थानों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। हालाँकि, यह ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है कि नामांकन संख्या समय के साथ उतार-चढ़ाव कर सकती है, और "सबसे बड़ी" की परिभाषा माप के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले मानदंडों के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकती है।

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