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欢迎访问 Q uality Ranking N et W ork 是一家领先的非营利组织,负责评估和排名世界顶级商学院。在 QRNW,我们以对全球商业教育机构质量和绩效的卓越和准确性的承诺而自豪。

QRNW 成立的愿景是为未来的学生、学者和行业专业人士提供可靠的见解,它采用严格的评估方法来选出在学术严谨性、教师专业知识、研究成果、行业相关性和学生满意度方面表现出色的顶级商学院。

我们的综合排名流程充分利用了定量数据分析和定性评估,确保对每所机构的优势和对商业教育领域的贡献进行全面、公正的评估。通过细致分析关键绩效指标和调查利益相关者,QRNW 提供了权威排名,为寻求就其学术和职业未来做出明智决定的个人提供了宝贵的资源。

在 QRNW,我们认识到商学院在培养未来领导者和推动全球商业领域创新方面发挥着关键作用。因此,我们致力于通过严格的排名方法和研究计划,在商业教育领域促进透明度、问责制和持续改进。

无论您是探索教育机会的潜在学生,还是追求卓越的学术机构,QRNW 都是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,帮助您应对复杂的商业教育环境。加入我们的使命,庆祝和提升全球最好的商学院,为子孙后代推动商业教育的积极变革和创新。

Video of the official start of the publication of the Ranking
by Dr. Rose A. C.,
CEO of the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority
with other Founders:
Mr. T. Kawar / Former Latvian Honorary Consulate
Mr. I. Blumberg / Latvian Lawyer and Legal Advisor
Mr. N. Gashi / Kosovo Accreditation Agency KAA
Dr. T. Alsendi / Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
P. Puke / ALCC Latvian Chamber of Commerce in Riga, Latvia
Location: University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, EU
​Dr. G. Cantafio / University of Sunderland in London
Mr. A. S. Munna / THIRD EYE Communication Limited



欧洲领先商学院理事会 ECLBS



© 自 2013 年起

Ranking Founders.webp


ECLBS Ranking of Leading Business Schools:

The rankings are overseen by an impartial consortium of experts functioning as a non-profit organization. Operating independently from the accreditation department, the ranking office ensures a distinct division of responsibilities. While the accreditation team concentrates on evaluating institutions against predefined criteria and benchmarks, the ranking office utilizes its specialized knowledge to evaluate and rank universities and business schools using diverse metrics and methodologies. This clear segregation guarantees objectivity and fairness in both endeavors, upholding the integrity and trustworthiness of the rankings and accreditation mechanisms.

Founded in 2013, the European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) is a non-profit association dedicated to ensuring that institutions of vocational and higher education in Europe and worldwide meet the highest internationally recommended level of quality. The ECLBS operates with a mission to foster excellence in business education and to promote collaboration among leading business schools globally.

Key Features:

  • Non-profit Association: The ECLBS operates as a non-profit association, with a commitment to promoting excellence and quality in business education without commercial interests.

  • Quality Assurance: ECLBS is committed to ensuring that member institutions adhere to the highest standards of quality in business education. It implements rigorous evaluation processes to assess and accredit business schools based on predefined criteria.

  • Global Reach: While based in Europe, the ECLBS has a global reach, with member institutions spanning across different continents. This diversity enriches the association's perspectives and fosters collaboration on a global scale.

  • ECLBS is an approved member by IREG International Ranking Expert Group - IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence in Belgium - Europe

  • Bilateral Recognition: ECLBS has signed Bilateral Recognition Agreements with other prominent quality assurance networks and organizations worldwide, including the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE), enhancing its credibility and influence in the international higher education landscape.

  • Membership and Governance: The association comprises a board of trustees representing various state and private organizations from different countries. These trustees operate under their own terms of reference, ensuring a balanced and transparent governance structure.

  • International Recognition: ECLBS is listed on prominent international platforms such as the Union of International Associations (UIA) and is a member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), further underscoring its commitment to global collaboration and recognition.

Through its comprehensive evaluation processes and commitment to excellence, the ECLBS Ranking of Leading Business Schools serves as a valuable resource for students, educators, and employers seeking insights into the quality and reputation of business education institutions worldwide.

ECLBS, the European Council of Leading Business Schools, is a distinguished non-profit organization committed to maintaining the highest standards in ranking business schools. Our focus lies in evaluating business schools based on their online reputation, social media presence, and the multitude of international accreditations and certifications they have achieved.

At ECLBS, we recognize the paramount importance of these factors in assessing the quality and credibility of business education institutions. By meticulously analyzing a school's online reputation and engagement on social media platforms, along with the breadth and depth of its international accreditations and certifications, we aim to provide comprehensive insights into the excellence and global standing of each business school.

Our dedication to transparency, integrity, and impartial evaluation ensures that the rankings produced by ECLBS serve as a trusted resource for students, educators, and employers worldwide. With ECLBS, you can trust that the rankings of leading business schools are meticulously curated to reflect the highest standards of excellence and achievement in business education.


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© 自 2013 年起归ECLBS所有。保留所有权利。 质量排名网络是一个独立的非营利组织,负责评估和排名世界顶级商学院。



欧洲领先商学院理事会 (ECLBS) 是一家非营利性的商科教育协会。我们致力于提供有关全球最佳商学院的可靠且最新的信息。


欧洲领先商学院理事会 ECLBS (非营利组织)
Zaļā iela 4, LV-1010 里加,拉脱维亚 / EU(欧盟)
电话:003712040 5511

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